BSDTAR(1) BSD General Commands Manual BSDTAR(1)
tar -- manipulate tape archives
tar [bundled-flags <args>] [<file> | <pattern> ...]
tar {-c} [options] [files | directories]
tar {-r | -u} -f archive-file [options] [files | directories]
tar {-t | -x} [options] [patterns]
tar creates and manipulates streaming archive files. This implementation
can extract from tar, pax, cpio, zip, jar, ar, and ISO 9660 cdrom images
and can create tar, pax, cpio, ar, and shar archives.
The first synopsis form shows a ``bundled'' option word. This usage is
provided for compatibility with historical implementations. See COMPATI-
BILITY below for details.
The other synopsis forms show the preferred usage. The first option to
tar is a mode indicator from the following list:
-c Create a new archive containing the specified items.
-r Like -c, but new entries are appended to the archive. Note that
this only works on uncompressed archives stored in regular files.
The -f option is required.
-t List archive contents to stdout.
-u Like -r, but new entries are added only if they have a modifica-
tion date newer than the corresponding entry in the archive.
Note that this only works on uncompressed archives stored in reg-
ular files. The -f option is required.